These 404 page-not-found templates will blow your hair back…

Kyra (your designer) spent days searching the internet for ideas. She made the designs, then tested them on the team. Some were instant hits, others were scrapped. In the end you get 21 worthy winners you can use on your websites.

21 Divi 404 Templates for Divi Theme Builder - Ragnar by Divi Den Pro

Example of a 404-page-not found layout for Divi theme builder

What is a 404 page anyway?

Woorank says “A 404 page, or error page, is the content a user sees when they try to reach a non-existent page on our website. It’s the page your server displays when it can’t find the URL requested by the user.” Source

Every website should have a 404 page as a standard feature. Now you’ve got 21 more to choose from.

Which one is you favourite? Leave a comment below.

Using Divi theme builder
You should use the native Divi theme builder functionality for these 404 pages. The Divi theme builder lets you do magical stuff without having to learn serious coding. It makes things faster and easier.

Keep scrolling to see the demos.

In case you missed it, last week we added 7 new navigation menus as well as 10 new layouts (contact & case study pages). And before that we added 5 homepage layouts for the Ragnar launch.

Still more goodies to come

Wednesday 2 December: 9 Coming soon pages and 17 designer pop-ups.

Bigger is better (if you are a library)

Today’s library items are already available from the layout finder. With this update the library total grows to 2918.

Don’t miss the lifetime deals – only available during Black Friday.