General Questions

What is Divi Den Pro?

Divi Den Pro is a WordPress plugin, made for the Divi theme. It enhances Divi with a huge library of premade layouts and includes many more great features.

What is included with Divi Den Pro?

You get access to everything in the library, including all future layouts we make.
Install the WordPress plugin on the website where you want to use the layouts.

See everything that’s included with Divi Den Pro.

How does the pro plugin work?

The Divi Den Pro plugin is installed on a WordPress website. The plugin gives you access to the cloud library and layout finder. You can search and save hundreds of premade page layouts, sections and modules.

The plugin has other great features such as;

  • a pop-up creator
  • sticky bars
  • custom WordPress login screens
  • white label branding
  • and much more
Is the Divi theme required?

Yes. All layouts are built for the Divi theme made by Elegant Themes.

Do I need a Divi theme license?

Yes you need your own license for Divi theme made by Elegant Themes. Divi Den Pro is an independent layout library designed specifically for Divi Theme.
Get your own Divi Theme license with 10% off.

Can I use another theme?

Nope. All layouts are designed for the Divi theme and Divi builder made by Elegant Themes.

Can I use the Divi builder plugin with Divi Den Pro?

Not many people use the Divi builder as a stand-alone plugin. Mainly because of potential theme conflicts. We recommend that you use Divi Theme or a Divi child-theme for best results. 

If you absolutely must use the Divi builder as a stand-alone plugin, we cannot guarantee perfect compatibility with our layouts and your theme. Most likely it will be fine. Please use a test environment to make sure your layouts perform as expected.

If I cancel my subscription, does that affect my live website content?

It depends… a subscription can be cancelled or suspended. Different things happen in each case. To make the right choice, please read about suspending, reactivating and canceling, in the cancel anytime overview.

Can I deactivate the Divi Den Pro plugin after I build a site?

No. We don’t recommend it if you are still using live Divi Den Pro layouts. 

The reasons are because;

  • The plugin provides all required CSS & Script codes for perfect layouts as shown in the live demos.
  • It enables pain-free updates, fixes and improvements to live layouts. It will save you a ton of time. Automatic updates are much more scalable.
  • The plugin is required for licensing purposes. The API key is unique to your subscription and should always remain activated if you are still using Divi Den Pro layouts.
  • The activated API key ensures lifetime free security updates. Even if you don’t have an active subscription.
Can I use the Divi Den Pro on a Multisite?

Yes. The Divi Den Pro can be installed and used on a Multisite Network. To set up the Divi Den Pro on a multisite read the installation manual.
Each sub-site requires an active API key, and 5 or unlimited websites license is required.

What happens if I lose access to my client's website?

Your hard work is always protected with Divi Den Pro. The white label mode allows you to brand the plugin as if it was your own, but also to completely hide the plugin’s dashboard.

If you already can’t log in to the client’s website to enable the white label mode, you have the option to deactivate the API key for that specific website. Log in to your account and go to My Account > API keys. Find the domain in the list and delete it. Deleting the API activation will prevent the plugin from working on the given domain.

Free Trial

How do I create an account?

Your account is automatically created when you place an order.

How do I get the 14-day free trial?

The free trial is automatically added when you sign-up and check out. Free trials do not apply to lifetime memberships.

What do I get during the free trial period?

You get full and unrestricted access to 2821 Divi Den Pro Library items including Divi layouts, Divi modules and Divi sections. You can use all layouts & modules and test everything you want.

How do I cancel the free trial?

It’s very easy. Simply log into your account page, find the order/subscription and click the “Cancel” button. You will not be billed. If you forget, our 30-day money-back guarantee always applies – life happens. For a full details about suspending, reactivating and canceling, please read the cancel anytime overview.

When do I pay?
  • When you sign up, you pay nothing at all.
  • After 14 days are over, and you wish to continue, the first payment is collected automatically from the same payment method used during sign up.
  • You can still cancel anytime before the trial is over at no cost to you.
What happens to my work if I cancel during the free trial?

For a full details about suspending, reactivating and canceling, please read the cancel anytime overview.

Upgrade / Downgrade

Can I upgrade to get more domain activations during the 14-day trial?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time. To upgrade follow these steps;

  1. Login to your account page and cancel the subscription you don’t want. 
  2. Choose a new domain plan and proceed to the checkout.
  3. After successful sign up, your new plan is confirmed. 
  4. Use the same API key as before. Enjoy!
Can I upgrade after some time?

Sure! You can upgrade at any time. We may be able to credit you for the unused portion of your old subscription. Contact support for more info.

To upgrade;

  1. Login to your account page and cancel the subscription you don’t want. 
  2. Choose a new domain plan and proceed to the checkout.
  3. After successful sign up, your new plan is confirmed. 
  4. Use the same API key as before. Enjoy!
Can I downgrade?

Yes. You can downgrade any time. We may be able to credit you for the unused portion of your old subscription. Contact support for more info.

To downgrade;

  1. Login to your account page and cancel the subscription you don’t want. 
  2. Choose a new domain plan and proceed to the checkout.
  3. After successful sign up, your new plan is confirmed. 

Use the same API key as before. Enjoy!


How does domain licensing work exactly?

We offer license activation for 1 site / 3 sites / unlimited sites.

  • Each website where the plugin is activated, counts towards your quota.
    If you reach your activation limit, you can remove a domain/site to make space for another or upgrade to a different package.
If I buy a license for 1 site, do I get activation for 2 sites?

Yes, you get full activation on 2 sites. The purpose is to make Divi Den Pro plugin updates easier between live and staging sites. No need to worry about swapping license key activations between sites.

What layouts do I get, do I get them all?

Yes. With the Divi Den Pro, you get access to our entire library. That includes;

  • All current and future items
  • All collections, layouts, modules and sections 
  • Design assets and Photoshop PSD’s
Can I buy individual collections or layouts only?

At this time collections and layouts are not sold individually because of the challenge to maintain the code and security for many individual plugins. That is why the best features and functions are built into one single plugin called Divi Den Pro. All layouts and collections are available here.


What is the cost?

We offer 4 price plans at this time. See price plans.

Do you have a lifetime option?

Yes. Lifetime options are available here.  Note that lifetime options do not have the free trial period. If you would like to try the plugin first, sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription first, and upgrade anytime.


How long do you provide updates & support for lifetime purchases?

Lifetime purchases will always receive updates and support for as long as the Divi Den Pro product exists. We’ve been building Divi websites since 2015 and launched Divi Den in 2017. Elegant Themes (creators of Divi) is going strong and the community keeps growing each year.

Support is provided to the account owner only. If you would like support for additional team members, please purchase a separate lifetime product for each member.

What is the price in USD?

You can see the prices in USD, EUR or British Pound by using the currency switcher on the top right corner of the pricing page.

Money-back guarantee

Can I get a refund?

Yes, you can ask for a refund within 30 days from the date of purchase. We want to make sure you are 100% happy with your purchase. To get a refund, contact support, and we will take care of it.

For the 14-day free trial

You can cancel anytime within the 14 free trial period and no payment will be collected. If you forget to cancel, our 30-day money-back guarantee always applies – life happens.
Free trials do not apply to lifetime memberships.

During free trial – cancel, pause or continue

What happens to my work if I cancel or suspend my subscription during the free trial?
  • If you suspend (pause) subscription during the free trial, your work is saved for one month (in case you change your mind).
  • If you cancel during the free trial, you will end your subscription permanently. Noting will be saved.

Read more about cancelling or pausing your subscription during the free trial.


Can I still have access to new layouts if I cancel?

When you cancel (end permanently), you no longer have access to Divi Den Pro products. You are automatically moved to Divi Den Free Membership. Free layouts, modules and tutorials are still available to Divi Den Free Memberships. 

If you suspend (pause) subscription during the free trial, your work is saved for one month (in case you change your mind).

Read more about cancelling or pausing your subscription during the free trial.

After free trial – cancel, pause or continue

Can I suspend (pause) my subscription?

When you suspend (pause) your subscription after payment was collected, your account is moved to “Basic Membership”.

As long as the plugin is installed, and the API key activated on the website,

  • You will continue to receive unlimited updates.
  • Existing layouts and plugins will function like normal.
  • Free layouts will still be available to use.

The only thing that changes when you suspend is

  • You cannot download and install new layouts from the cloud library.
  • You cannot activate plugin on new websites.

Cancel and Suspend produce different results. To make the best choice, read more about cancelling or suspending your subscription.


Can I still have access to new layouts if I cancel?

When you cancel, you will not be able download new Divi Den Pro layouts from the cloud library. You are automatically moved to Divi Den Free Membership. Free layouts, modules and tutorials are still available to Divi Den Free Memberships.

Do I still get plugin and security updates if my subscription is expired?

Yes. Even when your subscription expires, you will continue to receive plugin updates. The plugin must be installed and the API Key must be activated for the site to receive updates.

How do I re-subscribe?

To continue where you left off, do the following;

  • If you paused your subscription (on-hold), you can reactivate it by going to My Account > Subscriptions. Find the subscription and click the Reactivate button.
  • If your subscription is cancelled, simply place a new order.
What happens when I reactivate my subscription?

Upon reactivation, your previous “Divi Den Pro Plan” is restored. For full details of the Divi Den Pro options learn more here.

  • All access is restored immediately – All Pro benefits such as access to Divi Theme Layouts and Modules, PSDs, design assets and knowledge base in the library are restored. This includes the new layouts that might have been added while you were away.  You simply continue where you left off.
  • Payment schedule continues like before – You will not be billed again until your paid period is up for renewal.
  • Renew subscription if required – If the paid period has expired during the time your subscription was cancelled, you will be taken to the checkout to renew your plan.


How do I get started?

You can get started right here: Getting started with Divi Den Pro

Do I need a Divi child theme to use Divi Den Pro?

No, you don’t need a Divi child theme

  • You can just use the Divi core theme “stand-alone” along with the Divi Den Pro plugin. We have designed it this way so that you can run updates without issues.
  • However, if you plan to make a lot of custom CSS changes, it will help to have a child-theme style.css file for managing all the lines of custom code. Like 300 or 500 lines of custom code will be easier to manage via a style.css file. Anything less than that you can just use Divi only.
Are all layouts responsive and mobile-friendly?

Absolutely! All our layouts work great on all devices.

Are layouts compatible with the Divi visual builder?

Yes. All layouts can be customized using Divi visual builder.

Can I customize layouts?

Sure. All layouts, sections and modules can be customized using Divi native settings. Some unique designs require us to use custom CSS styles. Here we have made it as easy as possible to edit the CSS too. We have a tutorial video that shows you exactly what to do.

Is customizing hard?

Not at all. If you are familiar with Divi and have basic knowledge of CSS it will be very easy. Even if you are a total beginner, you can quickly learn how to use and customize the layouts. You can watch the tutorial videos and our support team will always be there to help.

Can I combine different collections?

Yes. You can combine anything you like, but try to keep it simple. It will be less work to customize it if you stay with a single design collection. Maybe you can swap out a few sections between collections, like a contact form or blog layout. This way your design will be more uniform and appealing.

How are the layouts' styles made?

While creating layouts, we use the built-in settings as much as that is possible. To achieve great designs that we have, we also have to use custom CSS, and sometimes custom JS.

However, it is easy to make changes to the custom CSS code, even if you are new to CSS. The custom code is accessible from the plugin’s dashboard, from where you can copy/paste it when needed. Of course, there’s a detailed video tutorial with instructions too! You can find both the custom code and the video tutorial under the Custom CSS files tab in the plugin’s dashboard.

White Label Branding

What do you mean by white label branding?

White label branding makes it look like you are the developer of the plugin. Your brand is maintained and you are the only point of contact for your clients. 
See video for full details.

How does white label work?

The Divi Den Pro plugin lets you brand the plugin as if it is your own. With white label branding you get the benefits of regular updates, while we do the code updates in the background. See more on the following page: How White Label Branding Works

Can I showcase your entire library on my site?

Yes. You can showcase the library on your own domain name. To do this you should;

  • Create your own demo sites and pages on your own domain or subdomain.
  • Install the Divi Den Pro plugin then create pages and import the layouts. 
  • Add navigation and test to make sure everything works as expected.
  • Please do not link to our demo sites directly.

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Use the live chat (bottom right) or submit a support request.