Grace Collection update

Hi again! New update – new library items. Bringing you 9 new page layouts and 46 new sections you can start using right now.

Something you can use on almost any website are the content sections, and we added 20 this time. There are also timelines, blurbs, testimonials and more.

The cloud library now counts 2821 items in total.

New Divi sections and page layouts

New Divi sections and page layouts made by Divi Den Pro

What’s included in this update?

9 Divi page layouts

Nail V1 Homepage
Construction V1 Homepage
Construction V2 Homepage
About Page V3
Restaurant V3 Homepage
Restaurant V4 Homepage
Restaurant V5 Homepage
About Page V4
About Page V5

46 Divi module sections

5 Timeline sections

Adhara Timeline
Alpha Timeline
Alula Timeline
Amalthea Timeline
Andromeda Timeline

20 Content sections

Myself Content
World Content
Spending Content
Together Content
Aching Content
Streets V2 Content
Thinkin Content
Tied Content
Power Content
Culture Content
Gomeisa Content
Gianfar Content
Jabbah Content
Tyl Content
Wasat Content
Zibal Content
Pius Content
Lines V2 Content
Keid Content
May Content

4 Blurb sections

Clock V2 Blurbs
Albaldah V2 Blurbs
All About Blurbs
Pour Blurbs

1 Gallery section

Ascella V2 Gallery

4 Testimonial sections

Horn V2 Testimonial
Haedi Testimonial
Zibal Testimonial
Jamaican Testimonial

1 Pricing table section

Emma V2 Pricing Table

2 Footer sections

Gacrux V2 Footer
Alors Footer

3 Person sections

Gunnef Person
Rode Person
Simple Person

2 CTA sections

Wezn CTA
Muscida CTA

1 Portfolio section

Gomeisa Portfolio

1  Contact form section

Wezen Contact Form

1 Optin section

Your Kiss Optin

1 Header section

Model Header

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