A jam-packed update for you

It’s been a busy few weeks for the Divi Den Pro Development team. The stand-out items are the Process Page animations. Be sure to take a look and also think about how you can use it on your websites. The scroll effect is most interesting. This might be our best work so far this year.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.


View the live demos below

All new layouts and modules are available for download in the Divi Den Pro layout finder right now. There are 2821 items in total. Explore the library with a 14 day free trial.


5 Divi inside page layouts

Includes those 2 process pages with awesome animations – a must see. Plus 2 contact pages and a services page.

Process Page Layout V1 – Tina Collection

Process Page Layout V2 – Tina Collection

Contact Page Layout V2 – Tina Collection

Contact Page Layout V3 – Tina Collection

Services Page Layout V3 – Tina Collection


7 Divi homepage layouts


Premade homepages for a nail salon, printing business, security company, animal shelter, a riding school, ice cream shop and a Tina Collection homepage V6.

Nail Salon Homepage 

Printing Business Homepage

Security Company Homepage

Animal Shelter Homepage

Riding School Homepage

Ice Cream Store Homepage

Tina Collection – Homepage V6 


22 Divi modules nested inside of Divi sections

Includes 6 blurbs, 7 content modules, 3 testimonials, blog, header, footer, projects, a contact form and a CTA module.

Divi Blurb Module Demos

My Shoulder Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

Lifetime Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

All Behind Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

Forgotten Moments Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

Other Lives Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

Hear My Blurbs Module – Tina Collection

Divi Content Module Demos

The Past Content Module – Tina Collection

Eight Wheeler Content Module – Tina Collection

Throttle Content Module – Tina Collection

Ease Content Module – Tina Collection

Listen Content Module – Tina Collection

Mister Content Module – Tina Collection

Second Try Content Module – Tina Collection

Divi Testimonial Module Demos

I Got Testimonial Module – Tina Collection

You Got Testimonial Module – Tina Collection

Told You Testimonial Module – Tina Collection

Divi Blog Module Demo

My Lover Blog Module – Tina Collection

Divi CTA Module Demo

I’m Moving CTA Module – Tina Collection

Divi Contact Form Module Demo

Talk Now Contact Form Module – Tina Collection

Divi Footer Module Demo

I Breathe Footer Module – Tina Collection

Divi Header Module Demo

Thinking About Header Module – Tina Collection

Divi Project Module Demo

Come On Projects Module – Tina Collection


How to load premade page layouts in the Divi Den Pro Layout Finder

How to load Divi Page layouts with the Divi Den Pro Layout Finder

How to load Divi Page layouts with the Divi Den Pro Layout Finder

More good stuff coming soon

Boost your productivity with the #1 Layout Library made in Berlin. Get started with a 14 day free trial today.